Initial Consultation

Your instructor at The Reformed Body completes an initial consultation service prior to you beginning class with us.

This 1 hour appointment teaches you the fundamental Pilates principles your body needs to learn in order to carry out Pilates safely.  We take a medical history (so please bring any relevant reports),  assess your posture to determine active/inactive muscles and establish goals that we’d like to achieve with you over your first 10 sessions.

You will leave class that day feeling core awareness and clear on where Pilates classes will take you into the future!

Studio Classes

Studio classes consist of a combination of mat and equipment use and have a maximum of four clients per session. This ensures you receive individual attention with an exercise program designed to meet your specific needs. Our instructors will provide expert advice on the exercises given, which will be reviewed and modified according to your physical condition on the day.

Classes last for 60 minutes and are held weekly, on a regular basis. Some clients may choose to attend more often, for example, twice per week. At the end of each class, clients are encouraged to do muscle release work and stretches that you will have previously been educated on.

Private Classes

A Private Class provides you the opportunity for a 60-minute one-on-one session. If you have specific needs to be addressed, then this is the time to ask detailed questions and focus on problematic areas or simply, achieve your goals quicker. A Private Class is ideal if you prefer individual attention or prior to joining a studio class.


60mins of Bliss

Stretch and release class recharging and reviving your body's own natural ability to heal and strengthen. A series of breathing exercises, stretching, rolling and self-massage techniques that will aid in releasing muscular aches, tightness and soreness.

“Pain is a request for change- a change in your habits. How you move is a powerful way to do that.” - Dr Perry Nickelston